31-Day Challenge

Well, hello there! My! It’s been a while! I’ve often thought over the last few months that it was time for me to bring my blog back to life, but, alas, I’ve fallen a bit short! However, as I was lying here doing my last bit of Facebook scrolling before calling it a night, I stumbled upon an interesting post by (Mommy Guru). It was about a challenge for bloggers to write everyday for 31 days (the whole month of October) on one topic. Of course, I thought!! What better way than this to really get back into the blog scene?!? And, so, I am taking the challenge! The topic for my challenge will be “31 Days of Simplifying”! I’ve been utterly overwhelmed with all the clutter around me: in my home, in my mind, in my heart, everywhere! I think we all get to that point when we just need some change in our lives, and I feel like that time is coming for my family and me. What better way to embrace change than with a clean, simplified, and fresh mind, body, soul, and way of life?!? So, I hope that you will join me on this challenge and read some of my posts along the way. If you have any ideas or requests for posts, please let me know! I can always (obviously) use a little inspiration!

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Lauren in Leicester

Leicester content creator



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