All Breasts Are Not Created Equal: A Guest Post

Here is a guest post that I wrote on a condition I suffer from known as IGT. This is a subject that is very close to my heart, as it was the cause of my breast feeding struggles! Thank you to my friend Josie for allowing me the honor of being a guest on her blog!

Jack's Crunchy Mama


When I was 25, after years of trying to conceive, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Other than fertility issues, I never really thought about how that diagnosis would affect me in other ways. After only two rounds of Clomid, I finally got pregnant for the first time! A co-worker had also just found out that she was pregnant with her first, and through our pregnancies, we developed a deep bond that quickly developed into an amazing friendship. When she first asked if I was going to breastfeed, I immediately said no way! I had never in my life known anyone who breastfed, and neither did my husband. I was completely ignorant on the subject. She continued talking to me about it and finally convinced me that I should at least try. After a male co-worker of my husband, whose wife was also pregnant, had a conversation with…

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